**Registration is officially closed, but please email devora@clubz.org if you have or know a teen who may be interested.**

 Are you prepared to advocate for yourself and Israel? 

As the war in Israel rages on, another war is being waged in American high schools, online and on college campuses. And Jewish teens are on the frontlines, fighting lies, misinformation and blatant hatred.  

Club Z prepares and educates Jewish teens to confidently and proudly stand with and advocate for Israel, the Jewish people and themselves. Club Z’s National Conference is the only high school Zionist conference in the U.S. We bring together teens from across the country for an inspiring, powerful weekend of advocacy training, skill-building and bonding with other teen Zionists.

Now is the time to learn how to make your voice heard. Now is the time to stand up for ourselves and Israel. Join us! 


Col. Richard Kemp
Col. Richard Kemp
British Army Colonel
Adela Cojab
Adela Cojab
Israel Activist
Joel Chasnoff
Joel Chasnoff
American-Israeli Author, Stand-up Comedian, Former IDF Soldier
Marissa Streit
Marissa Streit
Shahar Azani
Shahar Azani
Author, Speaker, Veteran Diplomat, JBS Vice President
Jewish Broadcasting Services


Transportation Responsibility: Participants are kindly asked to arrange their own transportation.

Arrival Details: For optimal planning, we kindly request participants to arrive on Friday, January 12th, 2024. Check-in at the hotel is available from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. PST.

Airport Assistance: A warm welcome awaits your teen at the airport, where our staff will be present to greet your teen upon arrival and provide assistance in coordinating Uber/Lyft transportation to the hotel.

Conference Conclusion: The National Conference will wrap up on Monday, January 15th. Feel free to grab a quick breakfast before making your way to the airport at your convenience throughout the day.

Early Arrangements Advised: We recommend making travel arrangements promptly to secure the best options for your child's journey.


Hotel Stay: Accommodations have been arranged at a 4-star hotel featuring amenities like a heated pool and a gym.

Room Sharing: Teens will share rooms as part of the experience. However, if your teen prefers a private room, please note that there will be additional charges during the registration process.

Kosher Cuisine: The entire conference will adhere to a Kosher (kashrut) dietary plan. Expect delectable Kosher food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


Professional Dress Code: Attire is expected to be business professional throughout the conference. As this is a professional event, participants are kindly requested to dress accordingly. Items like jeans, shorts, t-shirts, mini skirts, flip flops, and crocs should be avoided.

Plan Ahead: To ensure compliance with the dress code during the conference, we recommend planning and preparing your outfits well in advance.


9th - 12th Graders Who Are:

Passionate about Israel and want to learn how to advocate for the Jewish people and Zionism.

Determined to prepare for the growing antisemitism on college campuses.

Eager to gain valuable public speaking and debate skills to be an effective activist.


No, the conference is open to any teen. Please be aware that Club Z is a Jewish organization so Jewish traditions like Shabbat, will be observed.

That’s great! We are looking for people who would like to deepen their understanding. Of course, just because you’ve been somewhere, even many times, doesn’t necessarily make you an expert. Our speakers have something to teach and wisdom to share with everybody. And, if you can add your expertise to the learning — we will all be better for it!

Absolutely! The Conference will be a fast paced learning environment with participants getting an in-depth, “insider’s” view of many of the current events.

Yes! This year the conference will be 100% Kosher.

This year, the cost of the conference is $650.